Basically we need to know what keywords users use to search for our products or services on search engines.
Check those used by our competitors and then define which ones to use to create the contents of our site.
This activity is called Content Marketing .
The Client must recognize you as an expert in your sector. This is a fundamental element.
Users today search online for all the information they need to decide which product or service to purchase.
Which restaurant to go to eat in, which village to spend your holidays in.
Therefore, it is essential to create unique, valuable content that is useful to our potential customers.
This way they will consider us competent in our work.
This point is essentially a direct consequence of all the points previously addressed.
Once I have decided who to sell to (points 1 and 3), what to sell (point 2), have clearly defined my company (point 4) thanks to competitor analysis (point 5) and a correct SEO strategy (point 6), I will be able to create effective content for my site.
That is, I will be able to intercept the audience I want and thus defeat my competition.
8. If you are unable to provide a service or sell a product, let us know
You create credibility!
How many times have we gone into a store to buy a dress or a pair of shoes and the sales assistant tells you that they look great on you when you know perfectly well that you look terrible.
You will never go into that store again. They have lost a sale and a Customer.
Considering that we cannot sell everything to everyone, we be numbers must be consistent and say no.
If we can't deliver a service in the best possible way, we shouldn't do it.
In the short term we will lose a job, in the medium and long term we will gain a loyal customer.
9. The customer at the center cannot be a slogan, but a real and constant activity
It is enough to read the websites and brochures to find, essentially, always the same sentences:
We care about the customer's needs
Our goal is to satisfy the customer
The customer is at the center of our strategy
…then you ask for information on a certain service or product and the clerk is unable to answer you.
You call at 6:05 PM on Friday for information and they tell you that Customer Support ends at 6:00 PM and you have to wait until Monday morning.
Isn't this putting the customer at the center?
10. Business Strategies: Be determined, consistent, constant and ethical. You will win!!!
For almost a year I have been following a personal path with OSM, Open Source Management .
An important training and consulting company that has put Ethics at the basis of everything.
They don't say it. They do it.
And during the MBS courses, their Academy, discover how everyone can succeed.
But it is essential to be ethical, coherent, constant, determined… some would even say working your ass off.
But at the end of this journey you will emerge victorious.